Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Bulldozer #2

There has been another incident here involving a bulldozer and quite close to the yeshiva where I am now. We are all fine. There were lots of sirens and helicopters outside the window for a while but now it's quiet and we've continued our class - which coincidentally is on the relationship between Israel and the rest of the world. I guess that's how it goes over here.


Caroline said...

David, thanks for posting. My heart is with you all.


Anonymous said...

I guess your trip is being quite exceptional in more ways than you expected.
Over here we had a great news day. Radio 4 news in the morning were 1) karadzic got caught 2) cure for prostate cancer on the way 3) oil prices dropping. And to top everything: the summer will fall on a weekend this year (this weekend).
Thinking of you. xx p

albeo said...

Pedro, I am sorry but apparently that was a spoof. Summer has fallen on the 2nd of May. It has now been spotted somewhere near Belize, but no one is quite sure where the English summer is.

Glad you haven't been bulldozered David. I haven't been crucified, so all seems rather jolly these days.

Mirah said...

This is a great blog! Love your writing style.

Mirah (from kitah aleph plus)