Thursday 17 July 2008

Unsettling fruit picture of the week

It's a water melon and it's yellow. What will these crazy Israelis come up with next?

It's a sort of end of term at the yeshiva today, with the first half coming to an end and a lot of people heading back home. I've made some excellent friends here and this evening a bunch of us are going out for dinner and a night on the town. Well, a Jewish night on the town at least - I expect to be in bed by 11. Here's a pic of my fellow ravers (plus teacher on the left) from Hebrew level Aleph Plus (that's one off the bottom, by the way, not somewhere above the top).

Tomorrow, I am going to be spending the day in Tel Aviv, hopefully at the beach, and then it's back to Jerusalem for the start of shabbat.

Thanks for your feedback on my previous post. I am very touched by all your comments and it has led to some excellent - and hopeful - conversations here.

And, just so he's not upstaged by a melon, here's an unsettling picture of Shuki.


Mum and Dad. With a Twist. said...

I think I have that same ashtray somewhere in the countryside...!

That cat. Honestly. Don't leave your bedroom open at night. You never know what it might turn into...

Anonymous said...

is this wateryellow the source for all that fighing?